한미아웃리치(KAOG)는 보건교육 전문단체로서 차세대들에게 사회봉사와 보건정책참여 기회를 제공하여 미래의 리더로 성장하는데 도움을 주고자 합니다.
Cancer Prevention Education
Liver & Stomach

Nicaragua Clean Water Project

Nicaragua Clean Water Project

학생 자신만의 장점을 알릴 수 있는 방법?

Nicaragua Clean Water Project
Welcome to the Korean American Outreach Group!
KAOG provides consultation and expert analysis in implementing and evaluating public health projects. We work with community based health and social services organizations as well as local government agencies and universities to develop short/long range health objectives and strategies that promote public health awareness in diverse ethnic communities. KAOG serves all populations and does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender, and/or health conditions.

"Finding A Path" at the National Archive

Advocate for Health Equity Associate with Hepatitis B at Senate Room

Architech of the Capitol

"Finding A Path" at the National Archive